Self-Portraits: Everglades

various videos and photographs

Self-Portrait: Big Cypress, Everglades – 11min, silent film-loop, 2019

Self-Portrait: Big Cypress, Everglades – digital photograph, 2019

During a residency with ArtSail and ArtCenter/South Florida, a number of self-portraits were made picturing a figure lost in the waters of Florida’s Everglades. In Self-Portrait: Big Cypress, Everglades a figure stands up to his chest in murky waters. Whether the figure is stuck, lost, or waiting is not clear. The work exists both as an 11min silent film-loop (above), and as a framed photograph (left). The work was made possible with the help and the local knowledge of Reverend Houston R. Cypress (artist & activist, from the Otter Clan of the Miccosukee Tribe of Florida @ottercypress).

Self-Portrait: Florida Bay (below) is another photographic work from the Everglades residency. The photograph records a simple action where a figure is seen clinging to a pole – stranded in the still waters of Florida Bay (at the southern tip of the Everglades). Why the figure is here, or how he came to be in this predicament, is unclear.

Self-Portrait: Florida Bay – digital photograph, 2019