Going Nowhere 1.5

HD Video (silent), 8.5min, 2016

The third in a trilogy of works that now spans 20 years, the film again shows a figure that seems locked in a Sisyphean quest. A small sand-island in the North Sea is filmed from a drone as the tide gradually eats away at its coast. A tiny figure walks purposely around its edge, spiralling inwards as the waters rise. The island finally becomes dot of dry sand before eventually vanishing beneath the waves. The figure is gone.

As well as the 9min video Going Nowhere 1.5 the work also consists of a single digital photograph Going Nowhere 1.5 – Production Still. This image shows the same figure in a scene not featured within the film itself. Now up to his chest in the waters of an endless sea, the figure seems to still be walking purposefully somewhere.

Going Nowhere 1.5, Production Still, 2016