Biotopes 1 & 2

Royal Docks, London - Public Art Project for ‘Invisible Dust’, 2023

‘The Biotopes’ are an ongoing series of sculptural installations that visualise, or act-out, humankind’s entwined-ness with all the other species that we share Planet Earth with. The first two ‘Biotopes’ were temporary interventions in a London park, commissioned by Invisible Dust for the Royal Docks. Both started as 3D scans of the artist’s head, from which 3D prints were made but whose interiors were adapted to become viable vessels or niches for other species to reside within. For Biotope no.1: Bee-Bole a local beekeeper installed a queen and her young swarm of bees who then used the artist’s head as a starter hive for 3 weeks. During the days, the growing swarm foraged for nectar and pollen – emerging through the mouth and nose of the 3D-print. For Biotope no.2: Fungi-Bed a local fungi expert installed a growing mycelium into the head and shoulders of another 3D-printed sculpture. The mycelium produced its first signs of fruiting on the opening night of show, and a week later fully ‘bloomed’ into large Blue-Oyster mushrooms.