Published by Hoodwink and Laconic Press, 2014.
Things was a book and an intervention into the retail systems of a large, regional supermarket. The book itself is a compilation of all the drawings I have made of things; all the objects purchased over 14 years that I happened to have made drawings of.
500 editions of this beautiful hard-bound book were then surreptitiously placed amongst the retail products in Morrison’s Supermarket, in Tunbridge Wells in Kent (UK). The book with its barcode was included in the supermarkets pricing and checkout systems systems, and within the supermarket the object had a retail price of 1p (the smallest possible unit). The book intentionally inverted the supermarket imperative or selling items made with the minimum amount of love for the maximum amount of profit.
The bookshop version of Things, includes an additional essay entitled A Currency of Absence by Lorena Muñoz-Alonso.